LDAP Certificates


The certificates are in the name of ldap.rutgers.edu and ldap2.rutgers.edu. They are signed by InCommon. Anyone whose software checks certificates should load the certificates for the CA, not the individual certificate.

Updated InCommon Root Certifiates (Spring 2020)

With the expiration of one of the InCommon root certificates, current Java installs should include the new InCommon CA certs. If you are using a system that does not include them, download the following:

For older Java installations, you’ll need to add this to your cacerts library (java/jre/lib/security/cacerts file) using the Java keytool application.

For languages that use OpenSSL, like PHP and Perl, you’ll want to put the CA Cert in a file (e.g. cacerts.pem) and then reference file in your code.

InCommon Certificates for new OpenLDAP service (Late Spring 2016)

Now that we moved the Enterprise LDAP service to OpenLDAP ( 06/21/2016), we are using InCommon certificates. Current Java installs should include the InCommon CA certs. If you are using a system that does not include them, download the following:

For older Java installations, you’ll need to add these to your cacerts library (java/jre/lib/security/cacerts file) using the Java keytool application.

For languages that use OpenSSL, like PHP and Perl, you’ll want to put the CA Certs in a file (e.g. cacerts.pem) and then reference file in your code.

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